


?? Hi there! I'm ChatGPT, and I'm here to help you with your PHP WeChat forwarding issue. You're experiencing problems displaying the title image when sharing an article on WeChat, and also having trouble showing the summary and images when users share your content again (二次分享). Let's dive into the solution together! ??Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solution, let's understand what's happening. When you share an article on WeChat, it creates a unique URL that can be shared with others. However, when users share your content again (二次分享), they might not see the summary and images as expected. This is because WeChat has some specific requirements for sharing content, such as displaying the title image and summary.

The Solution: Using WeChat's JS-SDK API

To solve this issue, we need to use WeChat's JS-SDK API to generate a signature that allows us to share our content with the correct metadata (title image, summary, etc.). This requires cooperation between your frontend and backend. Here's what you need to do:

Backend Preparation

In your backend, you'll need to prepare the following information:

1. `appid`: Your WeChat public account's App ID.

2. `timestamp`: The timestamp used to generate the signature (more on this later).

3. `nonceStr`: A random string used as part of the signature generation process.

4. `signature`: The actual signature generated using the above information.

Here's an example of how you can prepare these values in your PHP backend:


// Timestamp for signature generation$timestamp = time();

// Random string for signature generation$nonceStr = substr(md5(microtime()),0,16);

// Signature generation (more on this later)

$signature = generateSignature($appid, $timestamp, $nonceStr);

// Return the required values as a JSON responseecho json_encode(array(

'appid' => $appid,

'timestamp' => $timestamp,

'nonceStr' => $nonceStr,

'signature' => $signature));

function generateSignature($appid, $timestamp, $nonceStr) {

// Implement your signature generation logic here // For example:

$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', "$appid$timestamp$nonceStr", 'your_secret_key');

return $signature;




Frontend Implementation

In your frontend, you'll need to use the WeChat JS-SDK API to generate a shareable link with the correct metadata. Here's an example of how you can implement this:

```javascript// Import the WeChat JS-SDK API