H5页面 禁止微信分享转发按钮
I'd be happy to help you with that! ??To disable the WeChat share and forward buttons on an H5 page, we'll need to use the WeChat JavaScript SDK. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step1: Set up WeChat JS SDK
First, you'll need to include the WeChat JS SDK in your HTML file. You can do this by adding the following script tag:
To disable the share and forward buttons, you'll need to add the `hideMenuItems` API to your `jsApiList`. This can be done by modifying the `wx.config()` method:
appId: 'your_app_id',
timestamp: Date.now(),
nonceStr: 'your_nonce_str',
signature: 'your_signature',
jsApiList: ['hideMenuItems']
Step4: Use "hideMenuItems" API
Once you've added the `hideMenuItems` API to your `jsApiList`, you can use it to hide the share and forward buttons. You can do this by calling the `wx.hideMenuItems()` method:
menuList: ['menuItemShareAppMessage', 'menuItemForwardText']
This will hide both the share and forward buttons.
Tips and Variations
* If you only want to hide one of the buttons, you can modify the `menuList` parameter to include only that button. For example:
menuList: ['menuItemShareAppMessage']
This will only hide the share button.
* If you want to hide all the buttons except for the "Send to friends" button, you can modify the `menuList` parameter to include only that button. For example:
menuList: ['menuItemSendMessage']
This will hide all the buttons except for the "Send to friends" button.
* If you're using a third-party library or framework, you may need to modify your code to accommodate their specific requirements.
By following these steps and adding the `hideMenuItems` API to your WeChat JS SDK configuration, you should be able to disable the share and forward buttons on your H5 page. Remember to customize the code to fit your specific needs and requirements. Happy coding! ??