


I'd be happy to provide a detailed description of the most comprehensive and simplest methods for forwarding WeChat voice messages. ??一、语音转发测试

Before we dive into the methods, let's conduct a test to ensure that our approach works. Have your colleague send you a voice message first. Then, try long-pressing on the text selection icon (the three vertical dots) and select "Forward" from the bottom-left corner of the screen. WeChat will usually prompt us to choose between "Sequential Forwarding" and "Merged Forwarding". Let's try both options.

(1) 逐条转发

Select "Sequential Forwarding" and see how it works. This method forwards each voice message separately, one by one. You can observe the process by checking your chat history or the recipient's end.

(2) 合并转发

Now, let's try "Merged Forwarding". This method combines all the voice messages into a single file and sends them to the recipient in a single message. Observe how this affects the playback experience at the receiving end.


The simplest way to forward WeChat voice messages is by using the official WeChat API. This method requires some programming knowledge, but it's a straightforward approach.

1. Get the voice message ID: Extract the voice message ID from the original message.

2. Use the WeChat API: Send an HTTP request to the WeChat API with the voice message ID and the recipient's OpenID (or phone number).

3. Specify the forwarding type: Set the `forward_type` parameter to `1` for sequential forwarding or `0` for merged forwarding.

Here's a sample Python code snippet using the WeChat Python SDK:

```pythonimport wechat_sdk Initialize the WeChat API with your app ID and secretwechat = wechat_sdk.WeChatApp(app_id='YOUR_APP_ID', app_secret='YOUR_APP_SECRET')

Get the voice message ID from the original messagevoice_message_id = 'VOICE_MESSAGE_ID'

Set the recipient's OpenID (or phone number)

recipient_openid = 'RECIPIENT_OPENID'

Forward the voice message using the WeChat APIresponse = wechat.forward_voice(voice_message_id, recipient_openid, forward_type=1)

print(response.status_code) Check the response status code```


If you're not comfortable with programming or don't have access to the WeChat API, you can use a Python script to automate the process. This method requires some basic knowledge of Python and the `pytesseract` library for OCR (Optical Character Recognition).

1. Install required libraries: Install `pytesseract`, `openpyxl`, and `requests` using pip.

2. Capture the voice message: Use a screen recording tool or a Python script to capture the voice message on your device.

3. Extract the voice message ID: Use OCR to extract the voice message ID from the captured image.

4. Forward the voice message: Use the extracted voice message ID and the recipient's OpenID (or phone number) to forward the message using the WeChat API or a Python script.

Here's a sample Python code snippet:

```pythonimport pytesseractimport openpyxlimport requests Capture the voice message imageimage_path = 'VOICE_MESSAGE_IMAGE_PATH'

Extract the voice message ID using OCRvoice_message_id = pytesseract.image_to_string(image_path).strip()

Set the recipient's OpenID (or phone number)

recipient_openid = 'RECIPIENT_OPENID'

Forward the voice message using the WeChat API or a Python scriptresponse ='WECHAT_API_URL', json={'voice_message_id': voice_message_id, 'recipient_openid': recipient_openid})

print(response.status_code) Check the response status code```


If you're not comfortable with programming or don't have access to the WeChat API, you can use other tools to automate the process. Some popular options include:

1. WeChat automation tools: Use third-party tools like WeChat Automation Tool (WAT) or WeChat Bot Builder to forward voice messages.

2. Screen recording software: Record your screen while playing back the voice message and then edit the video to remove unnecessary parts.

These methods may require some trial and error, but they can help you achieve your goal of forwarding WeChat voice messages.

In conclusion, there are several ways to forward WeChat voice messages, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. By understanding the different approaches, you can choose the method that best suits your needs and preferences.



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