微信分享网页 图标不显示


微信分享网页 图标不显示

I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue with the WeChat share icon not displaying on web pages. ??The problem you're experiencing is that when you share a web page on WeChat from your own device, you can see the share icon, but when others receive the shared link, they don't see the icon. This issue affects both Android and iOS devices.

After confirming that the image size is within the32KB limit and the code settings are correct, we still couldn't find a solution to this problem. ??However, after further investigation, we discovered that the title of the web page contains sensitive keywords related to red packets (红包), which is a common feature in WeChat. This led us to suspect that the issue might be caused by the presence of these sensitive keywords.

To confirm our hypothesis, we conducted some experiments:

1. We created a new test web page with a different title that doesn't contain any sensitive keywords.

2. We shared this new test web page on WeChat and confirmed that the share icon is displayed correctly for both Android and iOS devices.

3. We then modified the original web page's title to remove the sensitive keywords and re-shared it on WeChat.

4. This time, we observed that the share icon was also displayed correctly for others who received the shared link.

Based on these experiments, we concluded that the presence of sensitive keywords in the title of the web page is indeed causing the issue with the share icon not displaying. ??To resolve this problem, you can try one or more of the following solutions:

1. Modify the title of your web page to remove any sensitive keywords.

2. Use a different method to share the link on WeChat, such as using the "Share" button instead of copying and pasting the link.

3. Check if there are any other factors that might be affecting the display of the share icon, such as image compression or caching issues.

By taking these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with the WeChat share icon not displaying on your web page. ??



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