


I'd be happy to help you with that! ??When it comes to sharing icons in WeChat H5 pages, many developers have encountered a frustrating issue: the icons simply don't show up. This problem can be quite puzzling, especially when you've carefully crafted your icon design and implemented the necessary code.

After digging deeper into this issue, I found that one of the main reasons for this problem is that the icon's size is too small. When we use Webpack to bundle our JavaScript files, it compresses the icons into base64 format by default. Unfortunately, WeChat doesn't support sharing icons in base64 format.

So, what can you do to resolve this issue? Here are a few possible solutions:

1. Upload your icon to a CDN: One way to solve this problem is to upload your icon to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and then use the URL of the uploaded icon as the sharing icon's address. This way, WeChat can correctly display the icon when users try to share your page.

For example, you can use a service like Unsplash or Cloudinary to host your icon and then include the URL in your code. Here's an example:

```html html5


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