Golang -- openwechat微信发送消息、自动回复


Golang -- openwechat微信发送消息、自动回复

Openwechat is a Golang library that provides the ability to send messages and automate replies on the WeChat platform. WeChat is a widely used messaging app in China with over1 billion monthly active users. It is not only a messaging app but also a social media platform, payment system, and more. With Openwechat, developers can easily integrate WeChat messaging and automation into their applications.

Sending Messages on WeChatSending messages on WeChat is an essential feature for any application that integrates with the platform. Openwechat provides a simple and easy-to-use API for sending various types of messages, including text, image, voice, video, and more. To send a message, developers need to create a WeChat client using the library and then use the client to send the desired message to a specific user or group.

Here's a simple example of how to send a text message using Openwechat:

```gopackage mainimport (




func main() {

config := &officialaccount.Config{

AppID: "your_app_id",

AppSecret: "your_app_secret",

Token: "your_token",

AESToken: "your_aes_token",

EncodingAESKey: "your_encoding_aes_key",


// Create a new WeChat client wc := officialaccount.NewWechat(config)

// Send a text message err := wc.GetCustomerService().SendTextMessage("openid", "Hello, this is a test message")

if err != nil {





This simple example demonstrates how to send a text message to a user with the specified openID. The Openwechat library provides comprehensive documentation and examples for sending various types of messages, making it easy for developers to integrate WeChat messaging into their applications.

Automating Replies on WeChatAutomating replies on WeChat is another crucial feature for applications that want to provide a seamless user experience. Openwechat allows developers to create automatic replies based on rules and triggers, making it possible to handle incoming messages and provide instant responses. This is especially useful for customer service, chatbots, and other interactive applications.

Openwechat provides an API for creating custom reply handlers that can be triggered based on various conditions, such as the content of the incoming message, the sender's identity, and more. Developers can define custom rules and actions to handle different types of messages and automate replies accordingly.

Here's an example of how to create a simple automatic reply handler using Openwechat:

```gopackage mainimport (




func main() {

config := &officialaccount.Config{

AppID: "your_app_id",

AppSecret: "your_app_secret",

Token: "your_token",

AESToken: "your_aes_token",

EncodingAESKey: "your_encoding_aes_key",


// Create a new WeChat client wc := officialaccount.NewWechat(config)

// Create a custom reply handler wc.GetCustomerService().SetMessageHandler(func(msg message.MixMessage) *message.Reply {

if msg.Content == "hello" {

return &message.Reply{Content: "Hello, how can I help you?"}


return nil})

// Start the message handling loop wc.GetCustomerService().ServerHandler()



In this example, we create a custom reply handler that checks for the incoming message "hello" and responds with "Hello, how can I help you?". This is a simple example, but Openwechat provides a full range of features for defining more complex reply rules and actions.

ConclusionIn conclusion, Openwechat is a powerful Golang library for sending messages and automating replies on the WeChat platform. With its easy-to-use API and comprehensive documentation, developers can quickly integrate WeChat messaging and automation into their applications. Whether it's sending messages, creating automatic replies, or handling various types of messages, Openwechat provides the tools and features needed to build interactive and engaging experiences on WeChat. If you're developing an application that integrates with WeChat, Openwechat is definitely worth checking out.



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