


I'd be happy to help you with that! ??As a WeChat mini-program developer, you may have encountered the need to convert a shared link from a H5 page into a card format within WeChat. This is a common requirement for many mini-programs, especially those that involve sharing content or promoting products/services.

To achieve this, we'll be using the capabilities provided by WeChat's official documentation on "WeChat Mini-Program Web Development" and specifically focusing on the "Sharing Link Conversion to Card Format" feature.


Before diving into the implementation details, make sure you have a basic understanding of:

1. WeChat mini-program development2. HTML5 (H5) programming3. JavaScript (JS)

4. WeChat's official documentation and APIsOverview of the Process

The process involves two main steps:

1. Sharing Link Conversion: Convert the shared link from your H5 page into a card format using WeChat's API.

2. Card Format Rendering: Render the converted card format within WeChat, allowing users to view and interact with the content.

Step1: Sharing Link Conversion

To convert the shared link into a card format, you'll need to use WeChat's "wx.openCard" API. This API allows you to create a card from a given URL and customize its appearance.

Here's an example of how you can implement this step in your H5 page:



In this example, we're using the `wx.openCard` API to create a card from the shared link URL. We're also defining the card format options (title, description, thumbnail, and URL) that will be used to customize the appearance of the card.

Step2: Card Format Rendering

Once you've converted the shared link into a card format using the `wx.openCard` API, you'll need to render the card within WeChat. This can be achieved by using WeChat's "wx.showCard" API, which allows you to display the card in a modal window.

Here's an example of how you can implement this step:



In this example, we're using the `wx.showCard` API to render the converted card within WeChat. We're passing the card ID returned by the `wx.openCard` API as a parameter to ensure that the correct card is displayed.


By following these steps and using WeChat's official APIs (wx.openCard and wx.showCard), you can convert a shared link from your H5 page into a card format within WeChat, allowing users to view and interact with the content. This feature is essential for many mini-programs that involve sharing content or promoting products/services.

Remember to always follow WeChat's official documentation and guidelines when developing your mini-program, as well as ensuring that your implementation meets the necessary requirements and complies with WeChat's terms of service.



上一篇 H5网页如何在微信中自定义分享链接

下一篇 Python实现给指定的微信朋友发信息