


I'd be happy to help you with that! ??Introduction

WeChat, a popular social media platform in China, allows users to share content with their friends and family. When sharing content on WeChat, users can customize the title of the shared post by setting it as the "desc" parameter. However, when sharing this customized content to the "Friend Circle" (朋友圈), the title is replaced with the description instead of being displayed as the custom title. This issue has been a long-standing problem for many WeChat users.

Understanding the Issue

To better understand the issue, let's dive into how WeChat handles sharing content to the Friend Circle. When you share content on WeChat, it creates a new post in your friend circle with a default title that is automatically generated based on the shared content. However, when you set the "desc" parameter as the custom title, this default title is replaced by the description.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason for this issue lies in how WeChat handles sharing content to the Friend Circle. When you share content to the Friend Circle, WeChat uses a different mechanism to generate the post title compared to when you share it directly on your timeline. The default title generated by WeChat is based on the shared content's metadata, such as the article title or the image caption.

How to Solve This Issue

To solve this issue, we need to understand how WeChat handles sharing content to the Friend Circle and find a way to bypass this mechanism. Here are some possible solutions:

1. Use the `share` API: One way to solve this issue is by using the `share` API provided by WeChat. The `share` API allows you to share content with a custom title, which can be used to set the title of the shared post in the Friend Circle.

2. Use a third-party library: Another solution is to use a third-party library that provides a wrapper for the WeChat API. These libraries often provide a way to customize the title of the shared post and can help you bypass the default title generation mechanism used by WeChat.

3. Use a workaround: If you don't want to use the `share` API or a third-party library, you can try using a workaround. One possible workaround is to share the content as an article instead of a link. This will allow you to set a custom title for the shared post in the Friend Circle.


In conclusion, the issue of WeChat replacing the custom title with the description when sharing content to the Friend Circle is a common problem faced by many users. By understanding how WeChat handles sharing content and using one of the solutions outlined above, you can bypass this mechanism and set a custom title for your shared post in the Friend Circle.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips that may help you when solving this issue:

* Make sure to test your solution thoroughly before deploying it to production.

* Be aware of any limitations or restrictions imposed by WeChat's API or third-party libraries.

* Consider using a combination of solutions, such as using the `share` API and a third-party library, to achieve the desired result.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions. ??



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