


I'd be happy to help you with that! ??The share functionality in WeChat mini-program allows users to forward content from your app to their friends. In this feature, you can customize the title and image of the shared content. Here's a detailed description of how to achieve this:

Step1: Enable Share Functionality

To enable the share functionality in your WeChat mini-program, you need to add the `share` property to your app's configuration file (`app.json` or `manifest.json`). This property should contain an array of objects that define the types of content that can be shared.

For example:


"share": [


"type": "text",

"title": "自定义转发标题"



"type": "image",

"title": "自定义转发标题",

"imageUrl": " }




In this example, we're defining two types of shareable content: text and image. The `title` property sets the default title for the shared content.

Step2: Handle Share Event

When a user shares your app's content, WeChat will send an event to your mini-program with information about the share action. You can handle this event by adding an event listener in your app's code.

For example:

```javascriptwx.onShareAppMessage(() => {

return {

title: '自定义转发标题',

path: '/page/user?id=123',

imageUrl: ' }



In this example, we're defining a share event listener that returns an object with the following properties:

* `title`: The custom title for the shared content.

* `path`: The URL of the page that will be opened when the user clicks on the shared content.

* `imageUrl`: The URL of the image that will be displayed alongside the shared content.

Step3: Customize Share Title and Image

To customize the share title and image, you can modify the `title` and `imageUrl` properties in the event listener. For example:

```javascriptwx.onShareAppMessage(() => {

const title = '自定义转发标题';

const imageUrl = ' return {


path: '/page/user?id=123',

imageUrl }



In this example, we're setting the custom title and image URL for the shared content.

Step4: Handle Share Button Click

When a user clicks on the share button in your app, WeChat will send an event to your mini-program with information about the share action. You can handle this event by adding an event listener in your app's code.

For example:

```javascriptwx.onShareAppMessage((res) => {

if (res.from === 'button') { // 来自页面内转发按钮 console.log(res.target);


return {

title: '自定义转发标题',

path: '/page/user?id=123',

imageUrl: ' }



In this example, we're defining a share event listener that checks if the share action came from a button click. If it did, we log the target of the share action to the console.


To summarize, you can customize the title and image of shared content in your WeChat mini-program by:

1. Enabling the share functionality in your app's configuration file.

2. Handling the share event in your app's code.

3. Customizing the share title and image URL in the event listener.

4. Handling the share button click event.

By following these steps, you can provide a seamless sharing experience for your users and increase engagement with your app.



上一篇 uniapp(HBuilder X)实现微信小程序转发好友和分享朋友圈(携带多个参数)

下一篇 微信小程序开发之分享转发功能多种实现方案(论函数复用的几大姿势)