


I'd be happy to help you with that! ??As you mentioned, WeChat is an essential part of website promotion, and sharing your website with friends and followers can be a great way to increase visibility and drive traffic. When it comes to sharing HTML static pages on WeChat, there are some key considerations to ensure that the shared content looks good and is easily consumable by users.

Why do we need thumbnails?

When you share a link on WeChat, the platform will automatically generate a thumbnail for your webpage. This thumbnail is displayed alongside the link in the chat window, giving users an idea of what they can expect when they click on it. A good thumbnail can make all the difference in enticing users to visit your website.

How do we create thumbnails?

There are two main ways to create thumbnails for your HTML static pages:

1. Meta tags: You can add meta tags to your HTML file, specifically the `` tag with the `property` attribute set to `"og:image"` and the `content` attribute set to the URL of the thumbnail image. This tells WeChat (and other social media platforms) what image to use as a thumbnail for your webpage.




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