微信研究 如何把微信中的文章转发到微信企业号应用中?(图文)


微信研究 如何把微信中的文章转发到微信企业号应用中?(图文)

???? How to Forward WeChat Articles to a WeChat Enterprise App: A Step-by-Step Guide ??As a developer, you may have encountered the need to forward WeChat articles to a WeChat enterprise app. This feature can be useful for various purposes, such as sharing news, updates, or company announcements with employees or customers. In this article, we will walk you through the process of setting up and implementing article forwarding from WeChat to your enterprise app.


Before we dive into the details, make sure you have:

1. A WeChat account (personal or official)

2. A WeChat Enterprise App set up with a developer account3. Basic knowledge of WeChat API and developmentStep1: Enable Development Mode in Your WeChat Enterprise App

To start, enable development mode in your WeChat enterprise app by following these steps:

1. Log in to the WeChat Developer Platform ( Click on the "My Apps" tab3. Find your WeChat Enterprise App and click on the three dots next to it4. Select "Edit"

5. Scroll down to the "Advanced Settings" section6. Toggle the switch next to "Enable Development Mode" to the ON positionStep2: Set Up Article Forwarding in Your WeChat Enterprise App

Now that development mode is enabled, you can set up article forwarding in your WeChat enterprise app:

1. In the WeChat Developer Platform, click on the "My Apps" tab2. Find your WeChat Enterprise App and click on the three dots next to it3. Select "Edit"

4. Scroll down to the "Article Forwarding" section5. Toggle the switch next to "Allow Article Forwarding" to the ON positionStep3: Handle Article Forwarding in Your App

To handle article forwarding in your app, you will need to implement a webhook that receives the forwarded article information. Here's an example of how you can do this using WeChat API:

1. In your app, create a new endpoint (e.g., `/article-forwarded`) that accepts POST requests2. Configure your app to receive and process the article forwarding request dataStep4: Test Article Forwarding

To test article forwarding, follow these steps:

1. Open WeChat and go to the article you want to forward2. Tap the "..." menu and select "Forward" (or use the keyboard shortcut)

3. Select your WeChat Enterprise App from the list of available apps4. The article should be forwarded successfully to your appAdditional Tips and Considerations

* Make sure to handle errors and exceptions properly in your app, as article forwarding may fail due to various reasons.

* You can customize the article forwarding experience by modifying the request data or adding additional processing logic in your app.

* Keep in mind that article forwarding is subject to WeChat's terms of service and guidelines.


In this article, we have walked you through the process of setting up and implementing article forwarding from WeChat to a WeChat enterprise app. By following these steps, you can enable article forwarding in your app and start sharing valuable content with your users or employees. Remember to handle errors and exceptions properly, and consider customizing the experience to fit your specific needs. Happy coding! ??



上一篇 微信内置浏览器第三方网页分享链接给朋友以及转发到朋友圈无链接图片和链接描述的问题

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