


I'd be happy to help you with that! ??To achieve the goal of preventing secondary sharing after a WeChat mini-program page is shared, we'll need to implement some clever logic. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step1: Understand the Share Behavior

When a user shares your mini-program page in WeChat, they have two options: share with friends or share in a group chat. When sharing with friends, the recipient can long-press the shared content and choose "Forward" to send it to someone else. Similarly, when sharing in a group chat, group members can also forward the content to others.

Step2: Use WeChat's Built-in Share Functionality

To prevent secondary sharing, we'll utilize WeChat's built-in share functionality. Specifically, we'll use the `wx.shareTimeline` or `wx.shareSession` APIs to share our mini-program page. These APIs provide a way to share content with friends or in a group chat.

Step3: Implement Custom Share Logic

When the user shares your mini-program page, you can detect whether it's being shared with friends or in a group chat using the `wx.getShareInfo` API. This API returns information about the sharing event, including the type of share (e.g., friend or group).

Step4: Disable Long-Press Forwarding

To prevent long-press forwarding, you can use WeChat's `wx.setWebViewProps` API to set the `longPressForwardEnabled` property to `false`. This will disable the long-press forwarding option for your shared content.

Here's some sample code to illustrate this:


title: 'My Mini-Program Page',

imageUrl: ' success(res) {

const shareInfo = wx.getShareInfo();

if (shareInfo.type === 'friend') {

// Share with friends, disable long-press forwarding wx.setWebViewProps({

longPressForwardEnabled: false,


} else if (shareInfo.type === 'group') {

// Share in a group chat, disable long-press forwarding wx.setWebViewProps({

longPressForwardEnabled: false,






Step5: Handle Secondary Sharing Attempts

To further prevent secondary sharing attempts, you can use WeChat's `wx.onShare` API to detect when the shared content is being forwarded. When this happens, you can display a warning message or prompt the user to confirm whether they want to share the content again.

Here's some sample code to illustrate this:

```javascriptwx.onShare((res) => {

if (res.type === 'friend' || res.type === 'group') {

// Secondary sharing attempt detected, display warning message wx.showToast({

title: 'You have already shared this content. Please do not share it again.',

icon: 'none',







By implementing these steps, you can effectively prevent secondary sharing after a WeChat mini-program page is shared. This ensures that your content remains exclusive to the initial recipient and prevents unwanted forwarding.

Remember to always follow WeChat's guidelines and terms of service when developing your mini-program. Happy coding! ??



上一篇 微信分享图不显示解决方案

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