H5页面 微信转发自定义缩略图和描述信息(调用微信jssdk)


H5页面 微信转发自定义缩略图和描述信息(调用微信jssdk)

I'd be happy to help you with that! ??WeChat H5 Page: Customizing Thumbnail and Description Information for Sharing

As a developer, you may have encountered the need to customize the thumbnail and description information when sharing a WeChat H5 page. This is especially important if you want to provide users with a better understanding of what your content is about before they decide to share it.


Before we dive into the details, make sure you have the following:

1. A WeChat H5 page created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

2. The WeChat JSSDK (JavaScript SDK) integrated into your page.

3. Familiarity with basic JavaScript programming concepts.

Step1: Initialize the WeChat JSSDK

To use the WeChat JSSDK, you need to initialize it by calling the `wx.config()` method and passing in a configuration object that includes your app ID and other necessary information. Here's an example:


appId: 'your_app_id',


nonceStr: 'nonce_str',

signature: 'signature',

jsApiList: ['updateAppImage', 'previewImage']



Step2: Define the Thumbnail and Description Information

To customize the thumbnail and description information, you need to define two variables:

1. `thumbnail`: The URL of the thumbnail image that will be displayed when users share your page.

2. `description`: A brief summary of your content that will be displayed along with the thumbnail.

Here's an example:

```javascriptvar thumbnail = ' description = 'This is a sample description for my WeChat H5 page.';


Step3: Use the WeChat JSSDK to Share Your Page

Now that you have defined your thumbnail and description information, you can use the WeChat JSSDK to share your page. You can do this by calling the `wx.shareAppMessage()` method and passing in an object that includes the thumbnail URL, description, and other necessary information.

Here's an example:


title: 'My WeChat H5 Page',

desc: description,

thumbUrl: thumbnail,

url: ' Handle the Share Event

When users share your page, you can handle the share event by listening for the `wx.onMenuShareAppMessage()` event. This event is triggered when a user clicks the "Share" button.

Here's an example:

```javascriptwx.onMenuShareAppMessage(function(res) {

if (res.success) {

console.log('Shared successfully!');

} else {

console.log('Failed to share.');




Putting it all Together

Here's a complete example of how you can customize the thumbnail and description information when sharing your WeChat H5 page:


appId: 'your_app_id',


nonceStr: 'nonce_str',

signature: 'signature',

jsApiList: ['updateAppImage', 'previewImage']


var thumbnail = ' description = 'This is a sample description for my WeChat H5 page.';


title: 'My WeChat H5 Page',

desc: description,

thumbUrl: thumbnail,

url: ' {

if (res.success) {

console.log('Shared successfully!');

} else {

console.log('Failed to share.');




That's it! With these steps, you should be able to customize the thumbnail and description information when sharing your WeChat H5 page.



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